Lefteris Profile Picture


Web & Software|


Check out some of my projects

Mani's Bakery

Gastby / Contentful


Mani's Bakery

React/Nest.js/Express/Postgre with Microservice architecture

Energy Live

Mani's Bakery


Mani's Bakery

Mani's Bakery

Socket IO Angular/Express/MongoDB

Trello Clone

Mani's Bakery

Graphic Designer Landing Page

Anastasia Psoinou

Mani's Bakery

Full Stack App with CLI

Fast Charger

Mani's Bakery

Digital Agency Landing Page in WordPress

My Website Architects

Mani's Bakery

Front-end Dev in Java and JavaFx

Hangman Game


Technologies that I usually work with.

Front-end Development

Developing fast & modern web apps with best practices.

Languages I speak:

HTML5, SCSS, TypeScript

Frameworks & Tools:

  • React - Next.js - MUI
  • Angular - Ionic
  • Vue - Vuetify
  • Jest - Mocha - Chai
  • Git & GitHub

Back-end Development

Building maintainable servers that solve complex problems optimally.

Languages I speak:

Node.js, NoSql, SQL

Frameworks & Tools:

  • Express - Nest.js
  • Postgres - MongoDB
  • Apache Kafka
  • Docker
  • Linux Terminal

About me

Let's finally meet!

I'm Lefteris Oikonomou, a Full Stack Developer hailing from the sunny shores of Greece.

I hold a Master's in Computer Science from NTUA and have spent the last few years immersed in the dynamic world of coding.

Influenced by my business background, my development approach is solution-focused. I strive not just to code, but to create value-adding solutions that address real-world challenges.

Here, you're seeing some of the personal projects I've worked on. From intricate back-end puzzles to slick front-end applications.


What is an API?
Tech5 minutes read
What is an API?

Μάθε τι είναι API εύκολα και γρήγορα. Δες παραδείγματα και αναλογίες για API. Ανακάλυψε τα οφέλη, την ασφάλεια και τατα είδη των API.

Author Portrait
Lefteris OikonomouApril 26 2024
What is an algorithm?
Tech4 minutes read
What is an algorithm?

Discover what an algorithm is, why it's crucial in various fields like computer science, and explore examples of algorithms in daily life.

Author Portrait
Lefteris OikonomouMarch 18 2024
Artificial Intelligence: Pros and Cons
Tech3 minutes read
Artificial Intelligence: Pros and Cons

Learn about the strengths and vulnerabilities of Artificial Intelligence. Discover how AI will save your life and make you more productive!

Author Portrait
Lefteris OikonomouMarch 14 2024


Get in touch.

In the world of technology, it's not just about coding. It's about creating solutions that make a difference. Let's build, innovate, and solve problems together.