My Personal 2022 Review

Author Portrait
Lefteris OikonomouJanuary 1 2023

As you may have seen, this website was created to be my personal diary. And that is exactly what it will be now. For the last 8 years, I have made one review of the year. What went well, what went bad, and what I learned. This is the first ever that I am going to share.

It will be in a Question Answer Format so here we go.

What Went Well

A lot of things went well this year. Below, I am listing some of the things that I enjoyed this year.

  • Almost finished college. I have 2 courses and my thesis to go.

  • Created this blog. Sharing my thoughts with myself and others was a dream of mine. Finally, I overcame the fear and here I am.

  • Did my Internship. It was 2 months long and an eye-opening experience.

  • Found a job that I like. I work as a full-stack web developer in Pobuca. Could not be happier with the settings. As a junior Developer, I learn a lot from my colleagues.

  • Climbed Mount Olympus. The biggest peak mountain peak in the Balkans. One of the most intense and thrilling experiences of my life.

  • Traveled to Bucharest in Spring to watch a lecture by one of my biggest role models, Dr. Jordan Peterson.

  • Watched him again in October in Athens. The tickets were a birthday present!

  • Traveled to Paris with 2 of my best friends in December. I had a blast.

  • Spent my first Vacation Camping in Chorefto, Pelion.

  • Made 1 to 4-day trips in Patras, Trikala, Corfu, Agkistri, Livanates, Chalcis, and more.

  • Started Boxing.

  • Started a business.

  • Created the office of my dreams.

  • Met new interesting people and became friends with them.

  • Probably most important of all, I strengthened the relationships I already had in my life. I have people that I love and blindly trust in my life. I enjoy watching and assisting them to win.

  • Gained a lot of knowledge.

What did Not Go Well

  • Half the year my brother could not walk. He had an ACL injury and destruction of the knee cartilage in a basketball match on October 2021. The recovery ended 6 months later. I, my sister, and brother live in Athens without our parents so we had to take care of him.

  • When he recovered, in the first match he suffered a Jones fracture. Another 4 months of recovery. At the time of writing 23/12/2022, he has still not fully recovered to play basketball.

  • People that I loved and still do are not in my life anymore.

  • Had surgery.

  • My investments lost money.

What did I Learn

Gosh, I learned a lot. I studied and tried many things. I am a completely different person from the one at the start of the year. That happens every year though.

  • I know a lot less than what I think I know.

  • Is less about the destination and more about the journey. “Do not forget to smell the goddamn roses”.

  • Everyone has a unique understanding of the world and makes decisions based on that.

  • I am no longer an atheist.

  • Most people react rather than respond.

  • Act more, think less. Knowledge is worthless without action.

  • You are not that important.

  • Everyone is too busy thinking about what others think of them to think about you.

  • Focusing on one thing is underrated and multitasking is overrated.

  • If your actions are the same after reading a book, you just wasted your time.

  • Be a producer instead of a consumer.

  • Being a lone wolf is no good.

  • If you do not have a destination in mind, your ship sails to where the wind is blowing.

  • People treat you the way you treat yourself.

  • Do not speak things that take power away from you. ” My fire was just an illusion. It only burned you because you believed it was real. ”

  • You are your environment.

  • Marketing is way more important than I thought.f

  • For the moment, cooking is a waste of time.

  • I changed my beliefs about money. I no longer see money as evil. I believe that wealth is something that anyone can achieve and most of us should aspire to.

  • You are responsible for your life situation whether you like it or not.

  • If you become a champion, your father’s name lives forever.

  • Rejected modernity. I respect way more the traditions and all the things that have passed the test of time. I believe that the younger generations (myself included) should be humble and grateful to our parents and the elderly for all the privileges we have.

  • We need more masculine men.

What did I Not Do because of Fear?

  • I did not live in fear in 2022.

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